Together we are Wood & Energy

Wood & Energy is an internationally focused group of companies that has been operating in the wood processing industry since 1997.


We produce sawn timber, solid structural timber, wood pellets and renewable energy in the form of electricity and heat at our 3 production sites in Belgium and Germany in completely integrated production processes. The wood comes from sustainable, regional forestry.

We can add value to all parts of the trunk by making optimum use of the synergies between material and energy cycles. Issues such as cascade use and the circular economy are particularly important in this context.

Wood & Energy: Source – innovate – sustain

Sustainable development means striking a balance between present and future generations.

This can only succeed by harmonising economic, ecological and socio-social goals. We have recognised that sustainability is not exclusively an environmental issue and therefore cannot be reduced to merely ecological issues. Rather, it is important to harness the entire spectrum of economic and social development opportunities and to understand sustainability as an overarching approach to optimisation.

With regard to the energy and timber industry, we believe that this means creating a sustainable material and energy cycle. Since wood is not only a raw material for our industry, but also constitutes stored solar energy in the form of biomass, the synergies of both cycles are utilised optimally.

Anything and everything to do with wood

Wood & Energy is a partner-managed SME with specialist knowledge of the market, including all its upstream and downstream processes, and with technological expertise that sets Europe-wide standards in all aspects of wood processing and biomass as a source of energy.

Part of our vision is that the signatories to the Kyoto Protocol need strong partners from industry and business to be able to fulfil their national commitments arising from the Kyoto Protocol in the most socially beneficial manner.